Tier II Reporting

By authority given it by the SARA Title III legislation, Jefferson County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) requires that a copy of Tier II data that is submitted to the TCEQ online Reporting system (STEERS), also be submitted annually to the LEPC by March 1st of each year.

This data, which identifies chemicals, identification numbers, quantities, storage, health consequences, along with other data, is used by the LEPC, citizens and Hazmat Responders for emergency planning purposes. In addition, reportable releases should also be reported to the LEPC on the form below or in a statement which includes the information listed on the reporting form.

Annual Tier II information and Release Reporting Forms can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to:

Jefferson County LEPC
1149 Pearl Street
Beaumont, TX  77701

Click here to view/print/download the Tier II incident/release Reporting Form